There are several basic duties of a trustee, including identifying and assembling the trust assets, protecting the trust assets, and more. This blog details the various obligations of a trustee.
There are several tax characteristics of trusts, including gift taxes, property taxes, and more. This blog explains the different facets of taxes regarding trusts, highlighting the differences when the type of trust differs.
There are several basic characteristics and elements of trusts, including grantor, trustee, trust beneficiary, and more. Read on for more information regarding the various components of trusts.
The situs of a trust is its legal home. Flexible planning and drafting allows the trustee to change the situs of the trust. This blog goes further into detail concerning what the situs of a trust is.
Trusts allow the persons who create them to exercise control, make certain that a person's assets pass to the desired persons, and more. Click here to read more regarding the utility of having a trust.
In order to avoid probate, your trust must be funded with assets, generally your real property. This is generally accomplished by transferring the real property into the trust by way of a grant deed or a quit claim deed recorded in the county that the real property is located in.